Inlaw With an Outlaw
I met a girl in New York City-looked so fine and talked so witty Seemed to be the kinda girl Id like to get to know- I asked her out she said alright I said how bout tomorrow night she said O K but my surprise some place we gonna go
Next night I picked her up at her place-knew wed have a great date What shes got in store for us I just cant wait to know She told me to fill up the tank and stop there at her local bank Just need to make a fast withdrawlshe said and then well go next thing I
heard a noise like firecrackers she comes runnin out with sacks of money and a preacher whod been walkin out the door- they both jumped in she grabbed the wheel and gunned the gas-the tires squealed She looked at me and winked this is a first for you Im sure
You see that S and L done stole my money-now I stole it back and honey took a little interest just to even up the score- Now preacher here can marry us and well be sure to have enough just got to keep on movin so they never catch us-so now Im
Inlaw with an outlawdont think I can recall- when I had so much fun just wish shed put away the gun now that Im Inlaw with an outlaw-never thought Id be called to take this kind of ride its like shes Bonnie and Im Clyde now that Im inlaw with an outlaw
We drove all night clear out of town where much to my surprise we found she had an airplane waitin just to take us all away-and In her little one-propeller says to me You lucky fella-you got me and all this money-now lets get away
Now flyin high and I discovered just how good shes be my lover thought Iz with an angel in the clouds that lucky day I threw my caution to the wind and like a fool just to jump in I hope we didnt cause a sin-I never planned to be-but now Im
Inlaw with an outlawdont think I can recall- when I had so much fun just wish shed put away the gun now that Im Inlaw with an outlaw-never thought Id be called to take this kind of ride its like shes Bonnie and Im Clyde now that Im inlaw with an outlaw